Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Be Wrinkle FREE!

No doubt, wrinkle is a red signal that ushers in aging process. However, not every wrinkle is associated with aging, or haven’t you seen people below 40 years with wrinkles on their faces? For this class of people, they are experiencing early aging. This is why dermatologists and registered aestheticians advocate that we eat and drink the right things in order to avoid early aging. Here are top tips for preventing early or premature facial wrinkles:

Eat the Right Foods Recent researches by health experts have shown that premature aging is largely traced to poor diet. In this age of junk meals, people no longer consume meaningful foods that can help their skin function properly. The need for consuming more of vegetables and fruits cannot be overemphasised. Fruits, vegetables, whole foods and natural juices help in providing the cleansing that your body needs within, and the end-result will reflect on your skin in form of a wrinkle-free and glowing skin. Refer to our comprehensive posts on the natural foods to prevent premature aging and get rid of wrinkles.

Embark on Regular Facial Exercises Facial exercises are effective and help to keep your facial skin firm, thus slowing aging process and delaying premature wrinkles. If you embark on massage-type exercises for the face, you are aiding blood circulation and blood flow in your face as well as its surrounding areas. When blood flow and circulation intensify, the body has the potential to get rid of free radicals and toxins, so that it can utilize nutrients in the most efficient manner.

Reduce Stress Research has also revealed that stress is one of the high risk factors to premature aging. Find time to rest regardless of your busy schedules. You can device better ways of simplifying your daily tasks and reducing the number of hours you work daily, so that you can find time to rest and cut down stress.

Consume Foods Rich in Vitamin The beauty benefits of vitamin foods are great. It will amaze you what dermatologists will discover when they decide to look closely at the skin of women aged 40 and above for aging symptoms, in light of their diets. In fact, 101 Dermatologists actually carried out a study to this effect, a British study featuring slightly more than 4,000 women between the ages of 40 and 74. The result of the study revealed that women who incorporate a lot of vitamin onto their diet had less dry skin and insignificant wrinkles.

Exercise Regularly Whole body exercise helps to provide us with youthful looks. Incorporate healthy workout regimen onto your daily or weekly routines. Seemingly simple exercises such as swimming, jogging, trekking and cycling can help to keep us healthy and renew our cells, so that ageing process is delayed.

Choose Organic Beauty Products Basically, using natural remedies such as milk and honey mixture, lemon cleanser and other herbal remedies are better ways to fight premature wrinkle without exposing our body to health risks. If you must use industrially processed beauty products, consider the 100% organic products (if they truly exist). Delay aging and its wrinkle symptoms by leveraging the useful tips above.

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Foods for your skin - Anti aging secret revealed

Do you know that your choice of food and drink can affect your skin? Perhaps, due to its attribute as the largest organ of the body, your skin is the first attraction when people see you. This same skin is the outer and first defence against microbes and environmental pollutants. Your skin is also the converter of essential sunlight to the Vitamin D that your body requires.

Now, here comes the biggest concern of people, especially at a younger age in association with their skin – how they can get a tan. Subsequently, as age starts setting in, the concern shifts from getting a tan to preventing wrinkles and skin folds. Definitely, tanning is not the number one method to resolve wrinkles. While people are quick to resort to creams, gels and lotions plus dietary supplements as complementary therapy for skin renewal or acne treatment, enduring result may not ensue from such choices. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology emphatically states that “all-natural supplements have no proven effectiveness and may even exert some harmful effects”.

Taking care of your skin by watching what you eat or drink is something you should not wait until signs of skin aging starts setting in. The earlier you start eating and living healthy, the better it is for you. Mark G. Rubin, MD puts it this way, “If you avoid smoking and exposing your skin to the sun early in your teen years, it will definitely pay off later, especially when you start aging”. Rubin is an Assistant Clinical Dermatology Prof at the University of San Diego.

Delay Aging by Taking Care of Your Skin 

Rubin went on to say, “Prevention is a powerful antidote to skin aging, so start as early as possible to shield your skin from hazardous impacts. If you don’t start early, you may discover it is already too late by the time you see the undesirable features or damages on your skin later in life”. The whole essence is to try delaying skin aging. Once the body cells are kept from unnecessary oxidization, aging process on every part of your body will slow down. According to experts, the best recipe for preventing unnecessary oxidization of the body is to keep off from tobacco (smoking) and consume more of antioxidants-rich foods. 

Excellent skin hydration is the most effective way to delay the signs of aging on your skin, at the physical level. In one part, creating a healthy diet plan that would include foods rich in omega-3s will help you achieve this feat. Monounsaturated fat is also helpful. You should also structure a great skin-care regimen to aid the effectiveness of diet in slowing aging process.

Other things that can help you renew your youthful look and keep your entire health at low risk include getting sufficient sleep, stress reduction and maintaining a constant hydrated state. On the long run, you will achieve a healthier and better-looking skin. Indeed, your choice of food or drink will determine how fast or slowly you will experience aging process. 

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Top Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips

Early signs of premature aging usually appear on the skin, this can make you appear older than you actually are. It can be very annoying when people look at you and think that you are 10 years older than your actual age! here’s some of our anti aging skin care tips to make our skin more radiant and feel the younger and more softer skin.
Not everyone has the finances to employ the best plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills. Here are some top anti-aging skin care tips that can help you reduce the signs of aging and maintain your youthful looks.
  • Ensure that you get enough sleep – this is perhaps the most well known anti aging tip on the planet. Not getting adequate sleep can actually cause your skin to age prematurely. You should ensure that you get a minimum of 8 hours sleep each night.
  • Handle stress in most positive way – if you take stress way too personally, this can lead to age lines to form on your face. One of the best ways to deal with stress is to take up yoga, meditation or any other routine that can help you handle stress successfully.
  • Quit smoking – manufacturers of cigarettes make it appear cool to smoke, but they fail to mention that smoking helps speed up the aging process of the skin.  They never tell you that an average smoker gives off an awful body smell, a smoker’s lips and teeth become discolored after they have been smoking for a while – aside from speeding up the aging process, absolutely nothing good comes from being a smoker, period.
  • Drink lots of water – it is important that you get hydrated. Dehydration can make the skin dry-out and cause wrinkles to develop. You should make sure that you drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day or whatever you need to keep your skin well hydrated.
  • Include more Omega 3 fatty acids to your diet – these healthy fats help boost the skin’s collagen production and stop wrinkles from developing. Consume more dishes that contain salmon, walnuts, tuna, canola oil and olive oil.
  • Eat unprocessed foods – it is impossible to go to a grocery store without seeing processed foods staring you back in the face. Try to avoid making processed foods a big part of your diet plan. Consume at least 5 servings of fresh veggies and fruits and 3 servings of whole grains.
  • Get enough exercise – when you get adequate exercise, this can help slow down or reverse the aging signs. You can enjoy the benefits of staying active with as little as 30 minute exercises or other light exercises each day.
  • Consume more antioxidants – when you take foods that are rich in antioxidants, you can count on combating free radicals which contribute to premature aging. Take fruits that are rich in vitamin C such as oranges, dark colored veggies like carrots, tomatoes and lettuce.
  • Drink cocoa beverage instead of caffeine-rich coffee – the cocoa beverage is known to contain “flavinoids” which protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Healthy Lifestyle is Equal to a Healthy Beautiful Skin
We live in a world where it takes sheer determination not to eat junk food. Eating a natural well balanced diet is a great way to achieve a beautiful and healthy skin. It is important to stay away from toxins if you want to have beautiful and fabulous looking skin.
The most effective way to avoid having a body that is crawling with toxins is by choosing to live a healthier lifestyle. This includes consuming a diet that is rich in foods such as whole grains, sun flower seeds, avocado, walnuts and almonds.
Eat healthy and avoid foods such as refined carbs like cookies and white bread. Consume a lot of water and tea and ensure that you stay hydrated.
Whole grains are known for providing effective anti aging antioxidants and they provide fiber, one of the main elements of a beautiful and healthy skin diet. Fiber is known to help keep the body clean by simply absorbing the toxins and keeping the colon clean. This will help your metabolism and give your liver a break.
Another great reason why fiber is good for you is that it is known to absorb fluids and makes you fuller. You will be clean internally, thus giving your body the opportunity to concentrate on making your skin beautiful by simply bringing helpful nutrients to your skin, instead of focusing on ridding the body of harmful toxins.
Do you know that nutrition plays a great role in how your skin looks? See your body as vehicle, the food you consume is the fuel. You would not expect a car that runs on petrol to run on diesel, would you? So, you should not put the wrong kind of fuel in your body.
• Drink a lot of water and herbal/green teas
• Eat a healthy diet rich in Omega 3 and 6 found in foods like walnuts, almonds, grape seeds, and sunflower seeds and ensure that you take lots of vitamin C – parsley, citrus fruits, broccoli and rosehips.
• Consume a lot of organic veggies and fruits – you can find a variety of organic foods in a local supermarket
• In order to get a radiant skin, you should consume oily fish like wild salmon, wild or fresh mackerel.
Exercising is also very vital in achieving wrinkle-free radiant skin. If you are one of those people who needs to be literally dragged to the gym; then you should take up dancing, swimming or walking instead. A brisk walk in the park will provide you with not just clean oxygen but will also provide you with the chance to think clearly. Dancing is a great and fun way to exercise and meet new people in your dance class. Exercises improve your blood circulation. Good circulation helps your body’s effort to bring nutrients to all your cells and help it get rid of toxins.
Do you want to choose being injected with poison (botox) over eating well and exercising in order to get great skin? Your choice!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Get Beautiful Skin – Bring the Spa Home!

Instead of complaining about not having enough money to go to a spa, why not bring the spa to the comfort of your home! The great part is that you do not need to spend a colossal sum in order to get beautiful youthful skin. The benefits of going to a spa can be experienced after about 3 to 4 visits; do you honestly have that much cash to burn on pampering your skin in a pretentious environment? Hmm, guess not.
Here are some steps to help you achieve a more youthful skin.
  1. Place your face over a pan of boiling water, doing this will help you open up your pores.
  2. To get rid of black heads, massage baking soda all over your face. You can also make a facial mask using honey and oatmeal to remove the dead/old skin.
  3. Rinse off with cool water.
  4. Steam the face again, (placing your face over a pot of boiling water)
  • Boil some water and brew a cup of green tea
  • Next, add the juice of a half a lemon, three slices of cucumber, a spoonful of vitamin E oil and a splash of milk.
Or you can make use of any of the following:
Cold Pressed oils of Apricot Kernel – easily absorbed natural oil that is rich in Linolenic acid, essential fatty acids and vitamins A & E.
Cold Pressed Oils of Borage – this is Mother Nature’s richest sources of “Gama Linolenic Acid”, nature’s most vital skin lipid for regeneration of cells.
Cold Pressed Oils of Rose Hip Seed – this oil is rich in omega 3, omega 6 essential fatty acids and vitamin C.
Cold Pressed Oils of Aragan – this is one of Mother Nature’s rarest oils. This oil is extremely rich in antioxidant phenols and vitamin E.
Germinated Sunflower Seed Extract – these seed extracts contain effective antioxidants that is known to protect against environmental pollutants and harsh sunlight.
Germinated Grape Seed Extract – this contains very high levels antioxidants that fight off free radicals.
Mix any of the aforementioned ingredients together, place in a bowl, add a cup of water. Use these skin beautifying ingredients at room temperature or after you have steamed your face. Then they are ready to be used! Tap gently onto your skin in order to cleanse your face!
With the right natural ingredients, you can get that fab skin that you deserve. Ensure that you make sure that the food ingredients you use are fresh. You can find many of the aforementioned ingredients at health food stores in your locality.
You do not need to shell out hundreds or thousands of dollars in order to get the glowing, fresh and youthful skin that you want. You can even make this ritual fun, by inviting your friends over and making the Home Spa “your thing”. You can do this every weekend; it is a ritual you will look forward to.
For More Beauty Tips Click HERE!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Facial Exercises to Fight and Keep Wrinkles at Bay --> Official Website --> Official Facebook Page

Almost every adult on the planet dreads the day when he or she will look in the mirror and spot a….wait for this….double chin, wrinkles and fine lines! Whether we choose to admit it or not, signs of aging can be bothersome and downright embarrassing! Keep reading, and you will learn how to naturally overcome these problems, you do not need to go under the knife or seek expensive spa treatments. You can lose that double chin by simply performing facial exercises. For a lot of people it can be very embarrassing to have a double chin. The two major reasons for developing double chin is weight gain and genetics. If you have any issues with your weight, getting rid of your double chin may be as simple as watching what you eat and exercising daily. You may want to sign up for dancing classes, gym, and swimming or start jogging. Doing these activities will help you lose weight and feel much more energized. Watching what you eat will not only help you lose weight, it would also help you prevent some other health problems like heart trouble and diabetes.

Types of Exercises that You Can try to Tighten your Skin

One well known facial exercise that you can do is known as the “Shovel Move”. This facial exercise is used to work the muscle in the jaw known as the “platysma”. This exercise generally calls for opening your mouth as wide as you possibly can and using your bottom lip to cover your the bottom teeth. Next, you then move your jaw up and down – pretty simple huh? There are many types of facial expressions that you can practice in order to exercise your facial muscles. You can try smiling, making a surprised face, frowning and so much more. All these facial expressions can help you fight your double chin issue. Another exercise that you can try involves holding an object under your chin while you open your mouth as wide as you possibly can. You could try making use of a baseball or tennis ball, and if you do not have any of these, you can make use of an apple. The round object underneath your chin will provide you with the additional resistance you need for the exercise. The muscles used for chewing are the ones that you ought to concern yourself with. Because, weight gaining can add to a double chin problem, instead of eating all the time, you should try chewing on sugarless gum. You can give your jaw the much needed exercise by chewing gum. You really should not waste your money and time on very expensive cosmetic surgeries in order to lose the double chin. Rather, learn a couple of facial exercise techniques and do them every single day. The results will amaze you! These anti aging exercises are great for those who would never ever seek the services of a plastic surgeon because of their fair of needles, pain etc.